Monday, 21 November 2016

Step 2 of a good bike fit..

So you've had a bike fit?

Most cyclists now recognise the importance of having a professional bike fit, something a lot of pro cyclists have believed in for years.

In addition to a well fitted bike, pro cyclists have long recognised the importance of insoles and their effect on efficiency and comfort.

In the past however, limits in technology and the sheer cost have made custom insoles simply out of reach of most amateur cyclists.

Not any more!

What if I could open your eyes to a whole new level of comfort and performance with something that costs less than £80?

Your body relies on your feet as the foundation for good movement. If your foot isn't supported correctly you're more likely to experience pain elsewhere as a result.

The foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles... That's over 25% of the bones in your body in just your feet alone.

Custom insoles can provide the support that your feet need.

I'm not talking about the off the shelf solutions you can find in your local bike shop in a range of 3 or 4 different arch heights, I'm talking fully custom, made to measure insoles to put you in the best position possible.

I'm a Sidas Custom dealer which means I have the experience, knowledge and tools to create a pair of custom footbeds fully in house. 

These very same footbeds will be hiding in the shoes of the cyclists riding the World Tour and other big races as riders and teams know the benefits they provide to performance and comfort.

Traditionally, custom insoles would have cost in excess of £300.. Gone are those days!

With advances in equipment and training, custom insoles are now available from Yorkshire Bike Fitting for just £79.99, suitable for us tight Yorkshire folk!

Get booked in today at